I frequently use footnotes but don’t write documents often enough to remember how I like to use them. I know the syntax
involves [^X]
, but I’m unsure whether to place the footnote after the paragraph where it’s used or at the end of the
document. What about numbering?
The way I use them is nice because it means I can reuse a footnote in multiple places. I can also refactor my footnotes
without having to reorder the numbers.
This is a paragraph with a footnote[^footnote]. And another[^another] one
<!-- footnotes -->
[^footnote]: This is the footnote text.
[^another]: Another footnote, you're welcome.
This is a paragraph with a footnote[^footnote]. And another[^another] one
<!-- footnotes -->
[^footnote]: This is the footnote text.
[^another]: Another footnote, you're welcome.